If you have Salesforce integration enabled for a given event that is collecting attendee information, you may choose to create a Report in Salesforce which provides a list of attendees for an event. This Report can then be linked to from the Campaign page layout for all Soapbox Registration Campaign Record Types.
This may have been setup as part of the Soapbox Events for Salesforce package installation process. If not, you may follow these steps to add it at any time.
NOTE: If this Report and button have been added to your Salesforce instance but it is not appearing on your Campaign layout, confirm that the Campaign record you are viewing is of type Soapbox Registration. If it isn't, update the Campaign Record Type and view the layout again. If the button still does not appear, review the steps below to confirm proper setup.
You may also wish to export a CSV file of attendees from Soapbox.
Create a report to display a list of attendees for an event
- Go to the Reports tab
- Click the “New Report...” button
- Under “Select Report Type”, click the plus sign next to “Opportunities”, then click once on the “Opportunities with Tickets” option, and click the Create button/li>
- For the Date Field range, choose “All Time”/li>
- Click the Add button next to “Filters” to add a filter on the Campaign field, with an “equals” for the value c, and click the OK button next to the new filter
- Remove any existing fields in the report, and then add the following fields to the report
Ticket: Ticket Name
First Name
Last Name
Account Name
Purchaser - Click Close button, then Save & Close in the popup window
- Use the following to name the report
Report Name: Ticket List
Report Unique Name: Ticket_List
Report Description: List of tickets for a particular event
Report Folder: (choose your folder as you see fit) - Save Hierarchy Level: (unchecked)
- Click Save button
Create a button for Campaigns to allow admins to quickly view a list of attendees for an event
- Go to Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Buttons and Links
- Under Custom Buttons and Links, click the New button
- Fill in the form as follows
Label: Tickets Report
Name: Tickets_Report
Description: Takes the user to the Ticket List report with tickets associated with this particular Campaign.
Display Type: Detail Page Button
Behavior: Display in New Window
Content Source: URL - Add the following in the main textarea at the bottom of the page, replacing <> matches the Salesforce “pod” (typically something like “na14”) in your Salesforce web address, and replacing <> with the Salesforce ID for the Ticket List report you made earlier.
https://<>.salesforce.com/<>?pv0={!Campaign.Name} - Click Save button
Place the Tickets Report button on the Soapbox Registration Campaign page layout to allow admins to quickly collect view a list of attendees for an event
- Go to Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Page Layouts
- Click the Edit link in the row containing the Soapbox Registration Campaign Layout
- Drag the Tickets Report button to the Custom Buttons landing zone on the page layout
- Click Save button
This process assumes that all Campaign names are unique, which in some cases, is not true. So, when we run the report, it combines multiple campaigns and their subsequent tickets into one report. Is there a way (aside from renaming our campaigns) to utilize the campaign ID or maybe the start date to filter? I have been unsuccessful in finding a work around.