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Merge fields for use in the Events app's confirmation page, confirmation email and scheduled messages


In the Events app, administrators can customize the display of a confirmation page and automate the sending of confirmation emails and scheduled emails. This guide showcases how to include merge fields (or "variables" or "merge tags") in these elements to dynamically insert information, streamlining the communication process.

Merge fields can be used to customize email subject, confirmation page title, and body content in the following as indicated in the charts below. The first chart identifies Event- and Order-specific merge fields. The second details Ticket- and Attendee-specific merge fields:

page_60.png  Event confirmation page

email_60.png  Event confirmation email using the standard email template

custom_apps_60.png  Event confirmation email using the custom email template

date_time_60.png  Event scheduled emails

user_60.png Administrator notification emails

Event and Order Merge Fields for Body Text

The following table details the available order-level merge fields for the body text of confirmation emails, scheduled emails and confirmation pages.

Defining default values

For some merge fields, default values can be defined so this text appears when no value exists for the merge field. Where default values are supported, it is noted in the Description column of the merge field. The format for including a default value is as follows:

{merge_field_name|This is my default value.}

Referencing custom Microsoft fields as merge fields

For sites integrating with Microsoft Dynamics, if you have included a Microsoft Marketing question field for an event on the Reservation Info tab, you can include this field value as a merge field. As noted be below, the format for the merge field is as follows with the Microsoft field Id accessible on the Reservation Info tab in the Custom Microsoft Dynamics for Marketing Fields section:



Merge Field Description Example page_60.png email_60.png custom_apps_60.png date_time_60.png date_time_60.png
{name} Orderer full name Jane Doe success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{orderer_first_name} Orderer first name Jane success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{orderer_last_name} Orderer last name Doe success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{orderer_email} Orderer email address. Default value can be defined. success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{orderer_phone} Orderer phone. Default value can be defined. (202) 555-1212 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{orderer_organization} Orderer organization. Default value can be defined. Someorg success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{orderer_address} Orderer street address. Default value can be defined. 10 Main Street success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{orderer_city} Orderer city. Default value can be defined. Washington success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
(orderer_state} Orderer state. Default value can be defined. DC success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{orderer_zip_code} Orderer zip code. Default value can be defined. 20005 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{orderer_country} Orderer country. Default value can be defined. US success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{order_addon} Selected choice for add on. Default value can be defined. Accepted success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{amount} Total amount of order (including tickets and optional donation) $1,234.56
(NOTE: Confirmation page merge field does not include currency symbol)
success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{tickets} Number of tickets included in order 12 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{ticketslist} List of tickets ordered, and any optional donation 1 x Gold Level = $1,234.56 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{order_number} Soapbox Engage order number 1234   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{order_sbxid} Soapbox Engage order ID example-O-482BD54B-6B8E7053-75D14135-AA40C4C2   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{soapboxorderid} Soapbox Engage order ID example-O-482BD54B-6B8E7053-75D14135-AA40C4C2 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{order_date} Order date (Month D, YYYY) April 2, 2030   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{paymentstatus} Payment status ("paid", "not paid") paid success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{eventtitle} Event title Annual Black Tie Gala  success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{eventimage} HTML displaying the first image included in the description of event
<div class="margin-top__larger"
style="overflow: hidden;
/* margin-top__larger */
margin-top: 25px !important;
<img class="img-left"
alt="Test Image" width="100%"></div>
  success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{eventdate} Event date and time (includes range for multi-day or recurring events)

Tuesday, December 31, 2030 - 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM EST

Tuesday, December 31, 2030 - Wednesday, January 1, 2031





{startdate} Event start date (Day, Month DD, YYYY) Tuesday, December 31, 2030 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{enddate} Event end date (Day, Month DD, YYYY) Wednesday, January 1, 2031 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{starttime} Event start time (H:MM AMPM TZ) 6:00 PM EST success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{endtime} Event end time (H:MM AMPM TZ) 7:00 PM EST success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{datetimestart} Event start datetime (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) 2030-12-31T18:00:00   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{datetimeend} Event end datetime (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) 2031-01-01T19:00:00   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{eventurl} Front-end URL of the event
success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{addtocalendar} Descriptive text and links for Google, Outlook or iCal Add to Calendar: Add to Google Outlook iCal success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{zoomwebinarid} Zoom Webinar Id 84801751243 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{webinarmeetingid} Zoom Meeting Id 84801751243 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{webinarattendeelinks} Name, email, and personalized Zoom webinar link for each attendee zoom041124b1 zoom041124b1
Personalized Webinar Link: Click to Join
success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
Iterative attendee number, Soapbox Ticket Id, attendee name, attendee email, and personalized Zoom webinar link for each attendee Attendee #1
zoom041124b1 zoom041124b1
Personalized Webinar Link: Click to Join
  success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{location_name} Venue name Civic Center Auditorium   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{address_1} Venue street address 1234 Main St   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{address_2} Venue street address second line 3rd Floor   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{city} Venue city OR city and state For standard template confirmation email and standard template scheduled email, renders as:

For custom template confirmation email, custom template scheduled email, or admin notifiication email, renders as:
Washington, DC
  success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{state} Venue state DC   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{zip} Venue postal code 20001   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{country} Venue country USA   success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{baseurl} Domain of your Soapbox site with a trailing slash (/) - either a custom domain or Soapbox prefix domain
    success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{sbxaccountprefix} Prefix for your Soapbox site myorg     success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{sbxaccountname} Account Name for site as it appears in the header of the administrator My Organization Name     success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{sbxaccounturl} Domain of your Soapbox site without a trailing slash (/) - either a custom domain or Soapbox prefix domain
    success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{sbxaccountlogo} Account Logo defined in Account Settings sbxaccount-logo.png     success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{sbxaccountaddress} Address defined in Account Settings 1100 15th Street NW     success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{sbxaccountcity} City defined in Account Settings Washington     success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{sbxaccountstate} State defined in Account Settings DC     success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{sbxaccountcountry} Country defined in Account Settings US     success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png
{msft_MICROSOFT-FIELD-ID} Value entered for custom Microsoft field. Default value can be defined. This is the value for the custom Microsoft field on the Reservation Info tab of an event. success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png

Ticket and Attendee Merge Fields for Body Text

The following table details the available ticket and attendee merge fields for the body text of confirmation emails and confirmation pages. Ticket and attendee merge fields are not supported for scheduled emails at this time.

Repeating ticket section of body text

Within the body text of the confirmation page and confirmation emails, you can add a block of text that will repeat for each ticket included in an order. To do so, place the following opening and closing tag before and after the text block:


Text within the block may include the ticket and attendee merge fields below, order fields noted in the table above and any other content you wish. For example:


Ticket Name: {ticket_name}
Name of Attendee: {attendee_first_name|(First name not provided} {attendee_last_name|(Last name not provided}
Email of Attendee: {attendee_email|(Email not provided)}
Orderer: {orderer_first_name} {orderer_last_name}
Event name: {eventtitle}


Defining default values

For some merge fields, default values can be defined so this text appears when no value exists for the merge field. Where default values are supported, it is noted in the Description column of the merge field. The format for including a default value is as follows:

{merge_field_name|This is my default value.}

Referencing custom Microsoft fields as merge fields

For sites integrating with Microsoft Dynamics, if you have included a Microsoft Marketing question field for an event on the Attendee Info tab, you can include this field value as a merge field. As noted be below, the format for the merge field is as follows with the Microsoft field Id accessible on the Attendee Info tab in the Custom Microsoft Dynamics for Marketing Fields section:



Merge Field Description Example page_60.png email_60.png custom_apps_60.png date_time_60.png date_time_60.png
{ticket_name} Name of the ticket type.

VIP Ticket

success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{ticket_description} Description for the ticket type. Default value can be defined. VIP Ticket holders are allowed early entrance to the event and will receive a special thank you gift. success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_first_name} Attendee first name. Default value can be defined. Jane success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
(attendee_last_name} Attendee last name. Default value can be defined. Doe success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_email} Attendee email address. Default value can be defined. success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_salutation} Attendee salutation. Default value can be defined. Dr. success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_organization} Attendee organization. Default value can be defined. Someorg success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_title} Attendee title. Default value can be defined. Executive Director success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
(attendee_home_phone} Attendee home phone. Default value can be defined. (202) 555-1212 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
(attendee_work_phone} Attendee work phone. Default value can be defined. (202) 555-1212 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
(attendee_mobile_phone} Attendee mobile phone. Default value can be defined. (202) 555-1212 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_mailing_street) Attendee street address. Default value can be defined. 10 Main Street success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_mailing_city) Attendee city. Default value can be defined. Washington success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_mailing_state) Attendee state. Default value can be defined. DC success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_mailing_postal_code} Attendee zip code. Default value can be defined. 20005 success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_mailing_country) Attendee country. Default value can be defined. US success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{attendee_webinar_link} Attendee-specific webinar link for Zoom-integrated events. Personalized Webinar Link: Click to Join success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png
{msft_ticket_MICROSOFT-FIELD-ID} Value entered for custom Microsoft field. Default value can be defined. This is the value for the custom Microsoft field on the Attendee Info tab of an event. success_60.png success_60.png success_60.png   success_60.png



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