How you view a list of all Supporters in Soapbox is determined by the version of the Soapbox administrator your site has: Soapbox Lightning, Soapbox Engage Classic, or Soapbox CMS Classic.
I have the Soapbox Lightning Administrator with... |
I have the Soapbox Engage Classic Administrator with... | I have the Soapbox CMS Classic Administrator with... |
For Soapbox sites using the Soapbox Lightning administrator:
To view Supporters in the administrator, click the App Launcher waffle to the left of the navigation bar. In the App Launcher popup, do any of the following: a) in the Standard Apps section of the popup, click the Petitions app tile and then the Supporters menu item in the contextual navigation; b) scroll to the All Items section of the popup and click Petitions > Supporters; or c) type "Supporters" in the search field and click either the Petitions app tile or Petitions > Supporters in All Items in the results.
Supporter records will load 50 at a time as you scroll down the page.
For Soapbox sites using the Soapbox Engage Classic administrator:
To view Supporters in the administrator, click Petitions in the main menu and then click the Supporters tab in the Soapbox Petitions Control Panel.
Supporter records will load 50 at a time as you scroll down the page.
For Soapbox sites using the Soapbox CMS Classic administrator:
To view Supporters in the administrator, go to Components > Petitions > Supporters in the main menu. Supporter records will load 50 at a time as you scroll down the page.
Searching the Supporters list in Soapbox
Once on the Supporters tab, you can sort or search for a particular Supporter or group of Supporters.
- To sort data by a given column, click the column heading or choose the desired option from the Sort By drop down
- To search Supporters by name or email of the supporter, enter the string to be searched in the Search by Name or Email field and click enter or mouse out of the field
- For advanced search options, click the filter icon to expand the filter pane contained the following parameters:
- First Name
- Last Name
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Country
- Petition Name
- Signed Date: All, Today, This Month, Last Month, Date Range to enter a specific date range in which you're interested
- To restore the defaults for the filter pane, click the Clear All link at the bottom of the form and click Save
Editing Supporter data in Soapbox
To edit Supporter data, click on the Supporter first name. In the edit view, alter the information you wish to update and click Save.
It is important to note that this change will only be effective in Soapbox in the administrator and the front end. This change will not alter data initially saved to Salesforce. You also cannot edit which petition a supporter signed.