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Add a Link to a Category List Layout


Adding a link to a Category List View lets you create a page which will show articles pulled from a specific category in a simple list view. The list will be dynamically updated as you add new articles to the category and will simply display the article's title along with a link to read it.

1. Go to Menus and then click on the name of the menu in which you want to create a new item.

2. Click on "New."

Screenshot Studio capture #006.png

3. From "Select Menu Type" click on "Articles," which will display many different types of articles.

4. Click on "Category List Layout."


5. Fill in the title area. This text is what will display in the menu for this item.

6. Leave the Alias field blank (Non-profit soapbox will automatically create a web-friendly URL for you.

7. Select a parent item. The parent item dictates where in the menu this new menu item will appear. If you want the new menu item to appear as an item underneath an existing item, select that one as its "parent item." If you want it to be on the top level, simply select "top" as the parent item.

Screenshot Studio capture #008.png

8. On the right side, under "Parameters (Basic)," select the name of the category you want to use.

9. Below this category selection drop-down, you can customize how the page appears by selecting the number of links that display (anywhere from 5 to all) and whether or not the date of each article appears alongside the title. Feel free to customize as needed.

10. Hit save, and your new menu item will be created linking to the category list view that you just created

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