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Add, edit, or delete a Feed Display showing RSS feed content


Feed Display modules allow you to pull in content from an RSS feed into a module on your website.

Adding a Module

To add a Feed Display module to your site:

  1. Go to Extensions > Module Manager
  2. Click New in the upper right
  3. Click Feed Display
  4. For Title in the Module [Edit] view, enter a title for the module
  5. For Show Title, select No or Yes to hide or show the title to the end user
  6. For Enabled, select No or Yes to hide or show the module on the front end of your site
  7. For Position, select the position in which you wish the module to appear. To review your site's module positions, read Module Manager: View module positions on your site.
  8. For Order, select the order in which you wish this module to appear, relative to the other modules set to the same module position
  9. For Access Level, choose Public, Registered, or Special, depending on which type of end user you wish to view the module. If your site does not restrict access to content by requiring individuals to login or you wish all end users to view this module, leave this as Public.
  10. Under Menu Assignment, select which menu items on which you wish the module to appear. To display the module on all pages, leave this as All. If you wish to choose to display it on specific pages only, choose Select Menu Item(s) from the List and select the appropriate menu items. For further instructions on this process, read Module Manager: Publish a module to a given page.
  11. Under Parameters > Module Parameters, enter the URL for the RSS feed in Feed URL
  12. For RTL Feed, change the default to Yes only if the text of the feed should be displayed from right to left
  13. For Feed Title, choose whether or not you wish the title associated with the feed by the feed publisher to be displayed
  14. For Feed Description, choose whether or not you wish the description associated with the feed by the feed publisher to be displayed, if one exists
  15. For Feed Image, choose whether or not you wish the image associated with the feed by the feed publisher to be displayed, if one exists
  16. For Items, choose the number of items you wish to display from the feed
  17. For Word Count, choose the number of words you wish to display for each article in the feed
  18. Click Save

Editing the Module

To edit this module on your site:

  1. Go to Extensions > Module Manager
  2. Locate the module in the list of options
  3. Click the title
  4. Edit the parameters as described above
  5. Click Save

Solutions for Soapbox 2.x

Deleting a Module

To delete a module on your site:

  1. Go to Extensions > Module Manager
  2. Locate the module in the list of options
  3. Click the check box next to the title
  4. Click Delete in the upper right
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