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Add a module with articles from a specific date range


The Daily News module type will allow you to select a date range of article publish dates to display.

To do so, create a new Daley News module by:

  1. Log into your Soapbox Admin
  2. Navigate to Extensions -> Module Manager
  3. Click "New" to create a new module
  4. Select the type of module, "Daily News"
  5. Give the module a title, select the module position and menu items desired
  6. Select the Section and Category of modules to pull from, if desired.
  7. Set the "Set date range" parameter. The date rate parameter has two optional formats:
    1. "Days Previously" - this will tell the module to display all articles with a publish date from today's date back to X number of days.  So if you put "100" in the field, it will display articles published from today back to 100 days ago.
    2. "Days-Previously to Days-to" - this will display all articles published in a date range from X days prior to today, to Y days prior to today.  So in you put "10-100" in the field, it will publish any articles with a publish date older than 10 days ago, but newer than 100 days ago.
    3. Alternatively, you could use "" and "Set date year" to show only articles from a given month or year, respectively.  Putting a "0" in Set date year field will dynamically use the current year.
  8. Click "Save" or "Apply"
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