Sections, along with the Categories which fall under them, are a way of organizing articles on your site so they can be managed efficiently in the administrator and presented dynamically to visitors.
Adding a Section
To add a Section to your site:
- Go to Content > Section Manager
- Click New in the upper right
- For Title in the Section [New] view, enter a title for the Section
- For Title Alias, leave the field blank. This will automatically be filled in by the system.
- For Published, select Yes
- For Access Level, choose Public, Registered, or Special, depending on which type of end user you wish to view the articles in this Section. If your site does not restrict access to content by requiring individuals to login or you wish all end users to view this module, leave this as Public.
- For Image, leave as the default "- Select Image -"
- For Image Position, leave as the default "Left"
- If you have a Section Blog Layout or Section List Layout menu type you wish to create for this new category, you can elect to display the Description at the top of the page. If so, enter the description in the Description field using the content editor and follow the instructions on Section Manager: Display Section Description.
- Click Save
Editing the Section
To edit this Section on your site:
- Go to Content > Section Manager
- Locate the Section in the list of options
- Click the title
- Edit the parameters as described above
- Click Save
Solutions for Soapbox CMS
Deleting a Section
To delete a Section on your site:
- Go to Content > Section Manager
- Locate the Section in the list of options
- Click the check box next to the title
- Click Delete in the upper right