To add or edit a slide in a given slideshow:
- Go to Components > Soapbox Slideshow
- Click Slides Manager
- Click New
- In the Title field, enter a title for the slide that will be displayed to the end user
- For Published, choose Yes or No
- For Caption, enter a caption to appear under the slide title
- For the Slideshow drop down, select the slideshow in which the slide should appear
- For Slide Text, enter the main text to appear on the slide
- For the slide image, use one of the following methods. NOTE: For consistency's sake, it is best to determine the desired size of the slideshow and resize all images to fit that exact pixel width and height. Otherwise, any slide images larger than the dimensions of the slideshow (to be set in the Slideshow Module) will be cropped to fit the module size. Any slide images smaller than those dimensions will display the background color of the slideshow in the empty space:
- Upload a new image by clicking Browse next to Upload Image, navigating to the image on your computer, selecting the image, and clicking Open; or
- Select a previously uploaded image using the Select an Image drop down. After doing so, you can confirm that it is the correct image by clicking Preview
- In the right column under Parameters - Details, select and define one and only one of the following destinations for the slide hyperlink:
- To link to an article in the Article Manager using Link to Article, click select and click the article in the list that appears. To deselect a previously selected article and choose one of the two following hyperlink options, click Reset.
- To link to a menu item, choose the menu item from the Link to Menu Item drop down. To deselect a previously selected menu item and choose one of the other two hyperlink options, choose - Select Item -. NOTE: In cases where you can link to either an article or the menu item that points to it, link to the menu item to ensure that the appropriate modules appear on the destination page.
- To link to an off-site url, enter the full url, including http://www..., in the Custom Link field
- For One Link in New Window, select No to have the hyperlink open in the same window or Yes to open the link in a new window. NOTE: When linking off-site, common web practice dictates that a new window is opened.
- For Show Title, select Yes or No to display the Title of the slide, if you have set or plan to set the parameter of the Slideshow Module to Inherit. Otherwise, the slide's Title will show or hide based on the selection made for the Slideshow Module.
- For Show Text, select Yes or No to display the Slide Text of the slide
- For Show Caption, select Yes or No to display the Caption of the slide, if you have set or plan to set the parameter of the Slideshow Module to Inherit. Otherwise, the slide's Caption will show or hide based on the selection made for the Slideshow Module.
- For Show Readmore, select Yes or No to display the Read More link for the slide, if you have set or plan to set the parameter of the Slideshow Module to Inherit. Otherwise, the slide's Readmore will show or hide based on the selection made for the Slideshow Module.
- In the right column, click Parameters - Advanced to expand additional options
- If you wish to restrict access to the slide to registered, logged in users of your site, select Registered. Otherwise, leave the default to Public.
- To delay publishing of the slide until a given date, enter that future date in the Publish Up field. Otherwise, leave the default.
- To automatically unpublish the slide on a given date, enter that future date in the Publish Down field. Otherwise, leave the default as Never.
- Click Save
Repeat this process to add additional slides, as you wish. To finish adding a new slideshow to your site, create and publish a Slideshow module.
To delete a slide(s):
- Go to Components > Soapbox Slideshow
- Click Slides Manager
- Click the checkbox next to the slide(s)
- In the right hand corner of the page, click Delete
To publish or unpublish multiple slides:
- Go to Components > Soapbox Slideshow
- Click Slides Manager
- Click the checkbox next to the slide(s)
- In the right hand corner of the page, click Unpublish or Publish
- Alternatively, you can publish or unpublish individual slides in the Slides Manager by clicking the icon in the Published column
To filter the slides you wish to view by slideshow:
- In the drop down, click on the slideshow
- To display all slides, click - Select a Slideshow --