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Create a menu module for Taxonomy Terms


taxonomy-terms-menu-mod.pngIf you're using Taxonomy to organize your articles, you can create a module which displays terms from a given section of the Taxonomy structure and links to articles with that term applied. This module will automatically be updated based on changes to the Taxonomy Terms you make in the Terms Manager.

As an example, if you have a parent term called States with U.S. regions as child terms under States and individual states under each region, the module can display this structure with links from each term. If you were to go to the Terms Manager, create a term called "Rhode Island" as a child of "East Coast" and applied that new term to an article, it would automatically appear in the module.

To add this module:

  1. Go to Extensions > Module Manager
  2. Click New
  3. Select Terms Menu
  4. Click Next
  5. For Title in the Module [Edit] view, enter a title for the module
  6. For Show Title, select No or Yes to hide or show the title to the end user
  7. For Enabled, select No or Yes to hide or show the module on the front end of your site
  8. For Position, select the position in which you wish the module to appear. To review your site's module positions, read Module Manager: View module positions on your site.
  9. For Order, select the order in which you wish this module to appear, relative to the other modules set to the same module position
  10. For Access Level, choose Public, Registered, or Special, depending on which type of end user you wish to view the module. If your site does not restrict access to content by requiring individuals to login or you wish all end users to view this module, leave this as Public.
  11. Under Menu Assignment, select which menu items on which you wish the module to appear. To display the module on all pages, leave this as All. If you wish to choose to display it on specific pages only, choose Select Menu Item(s) from the List and select the appropriate menu items. For further instructions on this process, read Module Manager: Publish a module to a given page.
  12. In the right column under Parameters > Module Parameters, click Select next to Term Tree
  13. In the popup, select the parent term you wish to use. This will be the starting term in the structure with its children being included, depending on your selections to follow. In the screenshot above, "States" was selected.
  14. For Menu List, leave List as the selection
  15. For Start Level, leave the value as "0"
  16. For End Level, select the number of generations you wish to display. To display all generations, the default of "10" will be sufficient for most sites. Entering "1" will restrict it to only the selected parent term. In the screenshot above, this would display only "States". Entering "2" will show the selected parent term and one generation of children. In the screenshot above, this would display "States" with "East Coast" and "Mountain" as the options underneath.
  17. For Linked Root, select Yes, if you wish the selected parent term to be hyperlinked, or No, if you do not want the text to be hyperlinked
  18. For Show Empty Terms, select Yes, if you wish for a term without any articles associated with it to appear in the list, or No, if you do not
  19. For Always Show Child Terms, choose Yes
  20. For Target View, select the Taxonomy Layout you wish to display when a visitor clicks on a term
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