If you're using Taxonomy to organize your articles, you can create a menu item which points to a list of articles with a given Taxonomy term or terms applied.
Add a menu item to display articles associated with a Taxonomy Term
To add a menu item:
- Go to Menus > Main Menu (or the menu where the menu item is located)
- Click New
- Under Select Menu Item Type, click Taxonomy
- Under Single Term, click the layout you wish to use. To review the differences between the List, Summary, and Terms layout, click here.
- In the Title field, type the name of the menu item that you wish to display to the end user
- Leave the Alias field blank. Non-Profit Soapbox will automatically create a web-friendly URL for you based on the title field. If you would like to customize the url, you can do so by entering text in the Alias field.
- Under Parent Item, select the appropriate menu item the new link should fall under. If it is a main level item, do not select anything.
- For Access Level, leave it as Public. If you have a password-protected area of the site and wish to only display this menu item to logged in users, choose Registered.
- In On Click, Open In, select "New Window with Browser Navigation". NOTE: This is to follow standard web practice of opening external links in new windows in order to keep your own website open for the end user.
For List Layout
In the right column, for Parameters (Basic):
- Click Select next to Select Term
- In the popup, select the term you wish to use to filter the articles displayed
- For Display #, select the number of articles you wish to appear per page in the table format
- For Table Headings, select Yes, if you would like to display the column titles, or No, if you would like to hide them
- For Date Column, choose Show or Hide to control display of the Created Date for the article
- For Date Format, input a date format, if you would like to override the default format for your site. To construct your own format, review the options here - or submit a ticket.
- If you would like to give visitors the ability to search the list of articles based on Title, Date, or Hits by entering a text into a field, select Show. If you would like to simply show the list of articles associated with the term you selected earlier, select Hide.
- For Filter Field, if you have chosen to Show the Filter, you can choose Title, Date or Hits. In most circumstances, you will wish to choose Title.
For Parameters Advanced:
- Click the Parameters Advanced title to open the module and see it's options
- For Primary Order, select the order in which you wish the articles to appear
- For Pagination, Show or Hide the pagination at the bottom of the table. In nearly all circumstances, it will be best to leave this as Show. For instances where fewer articles are returned than the number chosen in Display # earlier, the pagination will be hidden automatically.
- For Display Select, choose Show to allow visitors to change the number of articles appearing per page by changing a drop down value. Select No to hide this drop down.
- For Show a Feed Link, choose Yes to display an RSS feed link in the visitor's browser bar. This will allow them to subscribe to the list of articles through an RSS feed reader of their choosing, such as Google Reader. If you do not wish to display this, choose No.
- For Hits, choose Show or Hide to display a column in the table showing the number of times visitors have viewed a given article
For Summary Layout
In the right column, for Parameters (Basic):
- Click Select next to Select Term
- In the popup, select the term you wish to use to filter the articles displayed
- For Description, choose to Show or Hide the description for the selected term at the top of the page. The description is defined for the term in Components > Taxonomy > Terms Manager.
- Customize how the page appears by selecting how many articles appear and in which fashion. The standard that many sites use is:
# Leading: 0
# Intro: 10
# Columns: 1
# Links: 0
For Parameters Advanced
- For Category Order, keep the default item
- For Primary Order, choose the order in which you wish the articles to appear
- For Multi Column Order, if you have chosen multiple columns in Parameters (Basic), select whether the ordering should flow down the rows or across the columns
- For Pagination, select whether or not you would like the pagination navigation to appear
- Pagination Results determines whether or not "Page X of Y" is displayed at the bottom of the page. To use the default on the site, choose Use Layout Configuration or select Hide or Show for the individual menu item
- For Show a Feed Link, choose Yes to display an RSS feed link in the visitor's browser bar. This will allow them to subscribe to the list of articles through an RSS feed reader of their choosing, such as Google Reader. If you do not wish to display this, choose No.
- Show Intro Text determines whether or not the article text before the Read More link is displayed along with the article title. To use the default on the site, choose Use Layout Configuration or select Hide or Show for the individual menu item.
- Read More Link determines whether or not a Read More link appears at the bottom of the intro text for articles with a Read More link inserted. To use the default on the site, choose Use Layout Configuration or select Hide or Show for the individual menu item.
- Linked Titles determines whether or not the title for an article is hyperlinked to the full text of the article.To use the default on the site, choose Use Layout Configuration or select Hide or Show for the individual menu item.
For Tree Layout
In the right column, for Parameters (Basic):
- Click Select next to Select Term
- In the popup, select the term you wish to use to filter the articles displayed
- For Secondary Layout, choose List or Summary to determine which format the articles will be displayed in after a visitor clicks the term in the tree
- For Show Parent Description, choose to Show or Hide to determine if the description for the parent term is displayed in the tree
- Show Child Description, choose Show or Hide to set whether the description for all child terms is displayed in the tree
Edit a menu item
To edit a menu item:
- Go to Menus > Main Menu (or the menu where the menu item is located)
- Open the menu item you wish to update
- Change the parameters as noted above
- Click Save