You will use the Article Manger to add or edit articles of content on your site. And from the Article Manager you can also “Trash” articles that are no longer needed. This does not permanently delete then, but sends them to the Article Trash, where they will wait to be either permanently deleted, or returned to the Article Manager.
To get to the Article Trash;
1- Log into your admin area ( )
2- Select Content -> Article Trash
Article Trash looks like this:
Once there you will see a listing of any articles that have been sent to the Article Trash. If there are a large number of articles in the Article Trash, you can use the Filter feature to quickly find the one you are looking for.
This filter searches the titles of all of your trashed articles, and returns any with a matching string in the title. So, if you enter your article’s title here, or a part of it, the Article Trash filter will filter out for you the article you are looking for, as well as any others that may contain the same character string in their title.
Once you have found it, you have two options. You can restore it, or delete it.
To do either, select the article you want to effect by clicking the check-box to the left of the article’s title. Then, in the upper right of the page click either the “delete” or “restore” buttons.
Clicking “delete” will permanently delete the article - you will not be able to recover it. Please do so only if you are certain that you no longer want the article in your database at all and that you will never need it in the future.
Clicking “restore” will send the article back to the Article Manager where you can edit and republish it to bring it back to the front-end of your website.