If your site has the Soapbox CMS (Does my site have the Soapbox CMS?), you can add a Forms page as a module to your site so it can appear on multiple pages or all pages. To do so, you must first create a Forms page, as you normally would. Take special care to build the form with its number and placement of fields so that it will be appropriate for the module position in which you intend to place it.
Creating a new Forms page to be used as module
Even if you have an existing Forms page submitting mostly the same data to the same Salesforce object, you may wish to create another version of the form specifically created to be included in the module. If this is the case, you can get a head start on creating the module version by using the Copy option in the Forms > Form Manager. To do so, simply select the checkbox next to the form you wish to copy and click Copy in the upper right.
Defining what happens after submission
For all Forms pages, you are able to define what happens after the form is submitted. This is done on the Options tab of the form by setting the Submission Messages > After Submitting drop down to either a) Display Success Message; or b) Use Return URL.
For Forms modules, if Display Success Message is selected for the Forms page and Success Message is populated, this message will be displayed at the top of the content area on the current page the visitor is on when submitting the form. If you wish to redirect them to a new page, create a new article and a new menu item pointing to this article, choose Use Return URL for After Submitting, and populate the Return URL field with the URL you just created.
Adding a Forms module
To add a Forms module to your site:
- Go to Extensions > Module Manager
- Click New in the upper right
- Click Forms
- For Title in the Module [Edit] view, enter a title for the module
- For Show Title, select No or Yes to hide or show the title to the end user
- For Enabled, select No or Yes to hide or show the module on the front end of your site
- For Position, select the position in which you wish the module to appear. To review your site's module positions, read Module Manager: View module positions on your site.
- For Order, select the order in which you wish this module to appear, relative to the other modules set to the same module position
- For Access Level, choose Public, Registered, or Special, depending on which type of end user you wish to view the module. If your site does not restrict access to content by requiring individuals to login or you wish all end users to view this module, leave this as Public.
- Under Menu Assignment, select which menu items on which you wish the module to appear. To display the module on all pages, leave this as All. If you wish to choose to display it on specific pages only, choose Select Menu Item(s) from the List and select the appropriate menu items. For further instructions on this process, read Module Manager: Publish a module to a given page.
- In Parameters > Module Parameters in the right column, for Form, select the form you have created to display in the module
- Click Save