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Creating a Forms page


To create a Form which saves data provided by your visitor directly to Salesforce:

  1. In the administrator, open the Forms Manager and click the New button in the upper right --OR-- for Soapbox Engage administrator users, scroll to the Forms Pages module on the home page and click Add New Forms Page
  2. For Title, provide a name for your form
  3. For Published, choose Yes.
  4. Next to Salesforce Object, click Select Object
  5. In the popup, select the Salesforce object to which you wish to save the data for this form
  6. Click Select
  7. After the popup closes, click Apply. This will save the new form but keep you in the edit view.
  8. After the form refreshes, feel free to enter a Description. This is for internal purposes only with the Description only appearing in the administrator and not to visitors.
  9. Click Form
  10. Click Add Salesforce Element
  11. For Salesforce Field, select a field from the Salesforce object that you wish to add to the form
  12. Once you have selected a field, various parameters will be shown and populated. Details for each are provided in additional Knowledge Base articles in this section.
  13. Click Save
  14. Repeat the process until you have added all of the Salesforce fields you wish to include on the form
  15. Click Save from the main edit window to save your changes and exit the form

Once you have finished building your form, you can create or customize the URL and Page Title to view and complete it on the front end of your site.

For additional details on adding text elements, default values, uploading images and documents, form layout and much more, see additional articles in this forum.

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