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Understanding the process and options for new Contacts added to Salesforce through user registration


If you wish to allow registrations from visitors who do not have matching Contact records in Salesforce so that new Contacts are created during the registration process and matched with the web user:

  1. Go to the Salesforce User Manager
  2. Click the Registration Options tab
  3. For Allow Only Existing Contacts to Register, choose No


Email notification upon creation of new Contact

If you wish, you can enable email notifications to be sent when a new Contact is created as a result of the registration process. To do so:

  1. Go to the Salesforce User Manager
  2. On the Registration Options tab
  3. Scroll down to the New Contact section of the form


  4. For Email Notification, choose Yes
  5. For Notification Addresses, enter the email address or addresses you wish to receive the email. If multiple addresses are included, separate them by a comma.
  6. For Notification Message Subject, enter the subject line of the email to be sent
  7. For Notification Message, enter the body of the email you wish to send. This can include the following variables:
    1. {$username}: The Soapbox username for the new web user account
    2. {$name}: The First Name and Last Name of the user
    3. {$email}: The Email address of the user
    4. {$ContactId}: The Contact Id of the new Contact created in Salesforce
  8. Click Save

New Contact created as an orphan

Any new Contact created in the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack through the registration process is created with a new Household account.

For a Salesforce instance without the Nonprofit Success Pack, any new Contact is created as an orphan with no Account associated with it. You may elect to use the Email Notification as a prompt for staff to review the new Contact and associate it with an Account.

In addition, there are a number of custom options which can be tailored to meet your needs, should you wish a Contact to be associated with an Account. If you wish to discuss the options, please contact us.

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