To enhance performance, Non-Profit Soapbox caches data like article content, menu items and more. This cache means that your website doesn't need to slow down by querying the database each time a visitor comes to a given page. Generally, the cache is cleared globally every 15 minutes.
The cache is cleared for a specific article whenever you save changes in the Article Manager - but if that article appears in a module that, say, shows the five latest news headlines, the changes won't be visible on the front end of the site for that module until the cache is cleared.
If you would like to see the changes right away, you can always clear the cache manually.
Clearing cache manually
To clear the cache manually, use the Clear Cache icon in the header of your Non-Profit Soapbox administrator near the Editor Toggle. To do so, simply click the icon with the two arrows creating a circle, as seen here:
If you wish, you can also go to Tools > Clear Cache, select all items in the list by clicking the check box in the upper left corner and clicking Delete in the upper right.