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Allowing visitors to upload a file to Salesforce using Forms


If you wish, you may include a field or fields that allow visitors to upload a file or files to Salesforce as part of the form submission process. This file can be uploaded to either the Salesforce Files object or the Notes and Attachments object.

Uploading to Salesforce Files

To upload to the Salesforce Files object:

  1. Open the Forms page to which you wish to add the file upload field
  2. Click the Form tab
  3. Click the Add File button
  4. For Name, enter a value of your choice. This will only be visible in the administrator. 
  5. For Label, enter text you wish to appear to the visitor 
  6. For CSS Keywords, enter a value, if you wish to alter the standard display of the field. This is optional.
  7. For Published, choose Yes
  8. For Description, select whether you wish the Description field to be displayed to the visitor
  9. For Description Label, if you selected Yes for Description, you may customize the label which will appear to the visitor
  10. For Enable Edit, choose whether or not you wish this Files field to appear to the visitor if you are using this Forms page in its Edit mode which allows visitors to alter existing data in Salesforce. If so, they will be able to upload new files when editing.
  11. For Enable File List, if you have chosen Yes for Enable Edit, you may choose to display the list of Files for the edited record. This list will allow visitors to view these records and, if they choose, delete existing records.
  12. For Max File Size, customize the maximum allowable size for a single file upload in MB. NOTE: For site performance and data storage concerns, it is recommended that this maximum be kept to a reasonable limit. Adhering to the 2 MB default is advisable. We recommend no greater than 10 MB, if the limit need be increased for your form. 
  13. For File Types, customize the file types you wish the visitor to be able to upload
  14. Click Save
  15. Use the drag and drop tools to place the Add Files element where you wish it to appear on the form
  16. If you wish the visitor to be able to upload multiple files in a single form submission, repeat this process to include multiple Add File elements. If you are using the Forms page in edit mode, make sure that only one of those Add File elements has Enable File List set to Yes.

Uploading to Notes and Attachments

To use this method, you must have the Notes & Attachments object enabled for the Salesforce object to which the Forms page is submitting. You will also need to make sure that the Notes & Attachments Related List is included on the page layout for the object.

Once this has been done, add a field the visitor can use to upload a file through the following:

  1. Open the Forms page to which you wish to add the file upload field
  2. Click the Form tab
  3. Click the Add Attachments button
  4. For Name, enter a value of your choice. This will only be visible in the administrator. 
  5. For Label, enter text you wish to appear to the visitor 
  6. For CSS Keywords, enter a value, if you wish to alter the standard display of the field. This is optional.
  7. For Published, choose Yes
  8. For Description, select whether you wish the Description field to be displayed to the visitor
  9. For Description Label, if you selected Yes for Description, you may customize the label which will appear to the visitor
  10. For Enable Edit, choose whether or not you wish this Note & Attachments field to appear to the visitor if you are using this Forms page in its Edit mode which allows visitors to alter existing data in Salesforce. If so, they will be able to upload new files when editing.
  11. For Enable File List, if you have chosen Yes for Enable Edit, you may choose to display the list of Notes & Attachments for the edited record. This list will allow visitors to view these records and, if they choose, delete existing records.
  12. For Max File Size, customize the maximum allowable size for a single file upload in MB. NOTE: For site performance and data storage concerns, it is recommended that this maximum be kept to a reasonable limit. Adhering to the 2 MB default is advisable. We recommend no greater than 10 MB, if the limit need be increased for your form. 
  13. For File Types, customize the file types you wish the visitor to be able to upload
  14. Click Save
  15. Use the drag and drop tools to place the Add Attachments element where you wish it to appear on the form
  16. If you wish the visitor to be able to upload multiple files in a single form submission, repeat this process to include multiple Add Attachments elements. If you are using the Forms page in edit mode, make sure that only one of those Add Attachments elements has Enable File List set to Yes.

If you wish to make the uploading of this attachment required as part of Form submission, on the Form tab, click the red X in the Required column for that element.

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