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Creating a menu item to accept registrations for new web user accounts


If you allow front end visitors to create web user accounts to access logged-in only content, you can create a menu item that allows them to register for a new user account. To do so:

  1. In the administrator menu, go to Menus and click on the menu to which you wish to add the new menu item
  2. Click New
  3. Under Select Menu Item Type, click User
  4. Click Default Registration Layout
  5. In the new menu item view, for Title, enter the title you wish to use for this menu item
  6. For Alias, leave this blank, if you would like Soapbox to generate the final portion of the URL for this menu item based on the title you entered. If you would like to manually define the final portion of the URL, enter it here.
  7. Under Parent Item, select the appropriate menu item the new link should fall under.  If it is a main level item, do not select anything.
  8. For Access Level, leave it as Public. If you have a password-protected area of the site and wish to only display this menu item to logged in users, choose Registered.
  9. In On Click, Open In, select "New Window with Browser Navigation".  NOTE: This is to follow standard web practice of opening external links in new windows in order to keep your own website open for the end user.
  10. Under Parameters (Basic) in the right column, select whether you wish the fields in the registration form to appear in two columns or one column. The default is two column.

    NOTE: If you have an existing registration view that was customized by Soapbox professional services staff through a template override, this setting will not affect the display of your registration form. If that is the case and you wish to have us alter the setup, please submit a ticket.

  11. For Login Link, choose whether you wish to show or hide a "Login to your account" hyperlink underneath the registration form that goes to a login view. The default is to hide the link.

    NOTE: If you have an existing registration view that was customized by Soapbox professional services staff through a template override, this setting will not affect the display of your registration form. If that is the case and you wish to have us alter the setup, please submit a ticket.

  12. Click Save
  13. In the Menu Item Manager, use the green arrow keys to shift the order of the new menu item in relation to existing items

For more on the registration process and who can register, see Allowing only Contacts in Salesforce to register for logged in access.

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