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Activate the Google Civic API for the Actions app


Before you'll be able to use the Soapbox Engage Actions app, you'll need to connect the app to your Google API service. This is really easy, following the step-by-step process below.

  1. Go to
  2. Create a project, by following the on-screen prompt or clicking the dropdown to the left of the search field at the top of the page and choosing “Create project”.
  3. On the New Project popup window, for “Project name” write, “Soapbox Engage Actions App”, and then click the Create button
  4. Under API & Services in the left column, click the Library link
  5. On the API Manager's Library page, in the search box, type “Civic” and then click on the link "Google Civic Information API”
  6. On the resulting page, click the button called "Enable" at the top of the page
  7. On the next page click "Create credentials” button
  8. On the "Add credentials to your project" page, for the "Which API are you using?" dropdown, choose "Google Civic Information API" and click on "What Credentials Do I Need?" button
  9. On the "Add credentials to you project” page, click "server key" in the popup window
  10. Copy the API Key provided
  11. Login to your Soapbox Engage account
  12. Click the Actions menu link
  13. Click the Configuration button
  14. On the Actions Configuration page, enter the API key you just copied into the Google Civic Information API Key field and click the Save button.

If you wish to restrict access to your Google Civic API Key by IP address, please use the following:

  • 2600:1f16:a23:6702:7599:9ded:ffc9:9e81
  • 2600:1f16:a23:6700:ba91:d585:ca7b:b403
  • 2600:1f16:a23:6701:942c:3173:661f:5325
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