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Restricting Who Can Act by one or more municipalities


In the Actions app, you can restrict who can complete an Action to one or more municipalities, or cities. When doing so, a visitor must enter the precise city name and select the appropriate state from the drop down on the initial address form to be allowed to complete the Action.

To restrict Who Can Act by one or more municipalities:

  1. Open the Action you wish to restrict
  2. Click the Who Can Act tab
  3. For Supporter Filter, select "Supporters in specific municipalities"
  4. In the drop down that appears, select the state in which the municipality is located
  5. In the search box, begin typing the name of the municipality
  6. When the matching municipality is displayed along with its county, click it
  7. Confirm that the municipality is added to the table
  8. Repeat for each additional municipality you wish to add
  9. Click Save
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