If you are using the Donations app to accept recurring donations using CyberSource as your payment gateway, you can have subsequent monthly transactions automatically recorded in Soapbox under the Donations > Transactions view. If you have Salesforce integration enabled, this will also create a record in Salesforce for each subsequent transaction.
In order to enable this functionality, you'll need to 1) create a custom daily report within CyberSource that Soapbox will access to consume data and create subsequent recurring payment records as needed; and 2) create an API Key with which Soapbox can access the report.
Once this is done, please submit a ticket confirming this so that we can update Soapbox to consume the details of this report.
To create the report:
- Login to CyberSource
- In the navigation to the left of the Dashboard view, go to Reports > Downloadable Reports > Report Subscription Management
- Click the Custom Report Subscription tab
- Click the Create Subscription button
- On the Create Subscription view, enter the following:
- Name: Subscription Detail Report
- Report Type: Subscription Detail Report
- File Format: CSV
- Frequency: Recurring report subscription
- Subscription frequency: Daily
- Subscription start time: 12:00 AM
- Subscription Time Zone: GMT
- Click the Create button
To create the API Key:
- From the Dashboard, navigate to Payment Configuration - Key Management
- Click Generate Key
- Under REST APIs select REST - Shared Secret
- Click Generate Key
- Copy the Shared Secret Key displayed on this screen. This will only be shown once.
- Paste the Shared Secret Key into a temporary text document
- Download the file
- After downloading the file, click Key Management to return to the key management screen
- Click on the key you just created
- Copy the Key Detail
- Paste the Key Detail into a temporary text document
After both steps are done, submit a ticket to Soapbox to confirm that the report has been created. When doing so, please provide the name of the report as well as the Shared Secret Key and Key Detail along with the PEM file that was downloaded.
Once these are received, we can update the system to consume the details of this report