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Viewing and managing standard templates with the Template Designer in the administrator


To view and manage the standard templates on your site with the Template Designer, you must have the Soapbox Lightning administrator experience activated. To activate the Soapbox Lightning admin experience for your site, just click the Switch to Lightning UX link in the upper right corner of your administrator header. If you don't see the Switch to Lightning UX link, just submit a ticket and we'll be happy to assist.

I have the Soapbox Lightning Administrator with...
  • Contextual menu with App Launcher waffle to the left of the navigation
  • White and blue color scheme with penguin avatar in upper right
  • Soapbox Engage User Account module at the top of the right column of the home page


To view and manage the standard templates on your site with the Template Designer, click the App Launcher waffle to the left of the navigation bar. In the App Launcher popup, do any of the following: a) under Utilities app, click Utilities and then click Template Designer on the subsequent page, b) type "Template Designer" in the search field and click Utilities > Template Designer in All Items in the results., c) scroll to the All Items section of the popup and click Utilities > Template Designer.

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