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Soapbox 2.0.10 Released: Manage page titles and add slideshows


We've been hard at work putting the finishing touches on Soapbox 2.0.10, the latest upgrade to your website management system.

What do those numbers and dots mean to you? Two things: powerful page titles and slick slideshows. Both available now.  And both part of the Soapbox service you're already paying for.

Let's dive into the details, shall we?

Title Manager

With this little gem, you can exert more control over what appears in people's browser title bar when they come to your site.  You can also better manage how your site appears in search engine results - all in about two minutes. Curious? Not sure what a "browser title bar" is but are just dying to find out?  Take a gander at our knowledge base article.

Soapbox Slideshow

Soapbox Slideshow allows you to add and manage dynamic slideshows for your site. Slideshows include multiple slides with images, titles, captions, slide text, and a Read More hyperlink sending site visitors to any page you choose. You can easily set a variety of parameters to customize slideshows and their slides.

Here's a peek at a still shot of what we mean:


To add a slideshow to your site, follow these steps described in the knowledge base:

  1. Create a slideshow with the Slideshow Manager
  2. Build and assign slides with the Slide Manager
  3. Create and publish a Slideshow module

Interested in customizing the look and feel of your slideshow beyond the base template? Maybe something such as on New York City Charter School Center or Weatherize D.C.? Contact us to discuss style options and pricing!

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