With two recent back-to-back Soapbox updates, we've added improvements and fixed some bugs that should make your life just that much easier.
Soapbox administrator
If the Salesforce credentials Soapbox had were no longer valid, Soapbox would display this error message from Salesforce in the administrator:
"INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out"
This message wasn't as clear as it could have been so we've altered it to say:
"INVALID SALESFORCE LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token, or user locked out. Salesforce integration is currently off-line for your Soapbox site. To resolve, please update your Salesforce credentials in Soapbox or remove the lock from the appropriate Salesforce user in Salesforce."
Front end users can now search using negative numbers and numbers with decimals when the search range feature has been enabled by a Soapbox admin for number and currency fields. We also improved some of the validation messaging when inappropriate values are entered by a front end user.
User Integration
The Last Login feature of User Integration previously saved the login date in Salesforce upon the initial login by front end users but failed to update the date thereafter. This has been fixed so it is properly updated whenever a front end user logs in.
Soapbox Actions
Soapbox Actions is our latest addition to the Soapbox Engage app family. With it, you can create advocacy campaigns that enable web visitors to email a pre-defined message to targeted decision makers. With a recent release, we added the Soapbox Engage control panel module and ability to customize the URL from within a given Action so the app is consistent with the others in the Engage suite.
Hat Tip
Kudos to Kathy Gee of Swift River Consulting and Sam Knox of Cloud for Good for identifying the issue with the Last Login feature!
If you are interested in Soapbox Actions for your advocacy efforts or Directories to be able to display searchable Salesforce data on your website, feel free to hit us up!
Happy Soapboxing!