Boost recurring donations this giving season with the new upsell prompt!Learn How >>

Slideshow Manager


To add a new slideshow to your site:

  1. Go to Components > Soapbox Slideshow
  2. Click Slideshow Manager

  3. Click New

  4. In the Title field, type a name for your slideshow. This title will only be visible in the administrator for the purposes of assigning slides and publishing through the module
  5. For Published, select Yes
  6. Click Save
  7. Continue to the Slides Manager to populate the slideshow

To edit an existing slideshow:

  1. Go to Components > Soapbox Slideshow
  2. Click Slideshow Manager
  3. Click the title of the slideshow you wish to edit
  4. In the Title field, change the name of the slideshow. NOTE: Changing the title will update the title name for all slides and slideshow modules currently associated with this slideshow.

To delete a slideshow(s):

  1. Go to Components > Soapbox Slideshow
  2. Click Slideshow Manager
  3. Click the checkbox next to the slideshow(s)
  4. In the right hand corner of the page, click Delete

To publish or unpublish multiple slideshows:

  1. Go to Components > Soapbox Slideshow
  2. Click Slideshow Manager
  3. Click the checkbox next to the slideshow(s)
  4. In the right hand corner of the page, click Unpublish or Publish
  5. Alternatively, you can publish or unpublish individual slideshows in the Slideshows Manager by clicking the icon in the Published column
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