In Salesforce, you can have Picklist fields that are single select or multiselect. If you include a field that is a Picklist (Multiselect) on a Directories page, you can define the separator that is included between the values, if more than one is selected. The default separate is a pipe (i.e., "|"). In this example, the pipe has been replaced with a comma:
To define the separator:
- Navigate to the Directories Manager
- Click Form Manager
- Open the form containing the records you wish to search and display
- Go to the List Display or Record Display tab
- Click the Edit Element icon for the Salesforce Element - or click Add Salesforce Element, if the element does not exist yet
- For Salesforce Elements referring to a Picklist (Mulitselect) field in Salesforce, the Type will be listed as "multipicklist" and a Value Format entitled Value Separator will be shown in the popup
- For Value Separator, enter the character(s) you wish to use as the separator between multiple values