Creating and editing Directories
- Viewing and managing Directories pages in the administrator
- Linking to a Record Detail view of a Related List record from a parent Directory
- Locations where an Edit button can be displayed in a directory
- Filtering on multiple values in a hidden picklist field for a Directories search form
- Allowing quick edit access of Directory records from a related list
- Tracking Directories page views by logged in Soapbox users in Salesforce
- Allowing front end visitors to identify a range when searching a date field
- Customize the text of the Edit button that appears on the List Display and Record Display views
- Creating a shopping cart experience with the Directories and Forms apps
- Embedding a Directories app directory on another website
- Setting formats for time field types when displaying in Directories
- Grouping results on the List Display view of a Directories page
- Reducing the number of Salesforce API calls used by Directories
- Conditionally display Directories app results and record fields based on Salesforce data
- Using Add Image to include images on Directories List Display or Record Display views
- Displaying multiple fields on a single line with CSS Keywords in Search Form
- Customizing message displayed if Salesforce is temporarily unavailable or the API limit has been reached
- Displaying Name instead of ID for reference field value
- Allowing front end visitors to identify a range when searching a number or currency field
- Allowing visitors to search for Salesforce records within a geographic radius
- Customize or hide the Read More link for records on List Display view
- Hyperlink a Salesforce Element on the List Display view to the Record Display view
- Defining default search criteria in the Search Form tab
- Allow editing of a record displayed in Directories
- Selecting the format for results in the Directories List Display view
- Arranging Salesforce data with View Positions when using Table Format
- Adding a Related List to a Directories page
- Customizing and excluding picklist values in a Directories page
- Display list of documents associated with a given Salesforce record
- Creating a menu item for your Directories page