If your site has the Soapbox CMS (Does my site have the Soapbox CMS?), after you create your Directories page you will need to create a menu item that links to this form so that you can view it on the front end of your site.
- Go to Menus > click on the menu where you want this page to live
- Click on the (+)New button in the top right corner of the page
- Click on Directories > Directories Page to choose the correct menu type
- Fill out the menu item detail fields
- Title: This should be what you want the menu item to be called
- Alias: You can skip this one, it will be automatically created for you based on the title
- Parent Item: Choose which item you would like your new menu item to be placed underneath.
- Published: Choose "Yes"
- Access Level: You can leave this as "Public" unless you only want this page to be viewable to people who are logged-in to your site. If that is the case make the access level "Registered"
- On Click, Open in: You can leave this as "Parent Window with Browser Navigation".
- Fill out the Parameters (Basic)
- Form: Choose the Directories page that you want to be displayed
- Styling Alias: You can likely leave this blank
- Enable Search Form: Choose "Yes" if you want your visitors to search for their own criteria using visible fields on the Form tab of your Forms page
- Enable Show/Hide: Choose "Yes" if you want the search fields to collapse or display by the visitor clicking a Show / Hide button next to the form
- Enable Default Results: Choose "Yes" if you want results to appear on the search form before anyone filters
- Click Save
- Your menu item will appear on the frontend of your site wherever the menu is published. Otherwise, you can access the page by going to http://{yoursiteurlhere}.org/{alias}.