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Creating links to a calendar filtered by Taxonomy Term


The Events app provides the ability to display a monthly calendar view, as well as categorize events into a taxonomy system.  Combining these two features, a web link can be created to display a calendar of events that only match one specific taxonomy term.  This article outlines the process for doing so.

  1. Create the taxonomy term for the events that should be displaye in the calendar (if this does not exist already).
    1. Go to App Launcher > Taxonomy > Terms Manager.
    2. Click the New button to create a new taxonomy term.
  2. Note the Id of the taxonomy term for future use.
  3. Associate all events that should be displayed on the calendar to the new taxonomy term.
    1. For each event, go to Edit tab > Terms section, and check the checkboxes for the terms that should be associated with the event.
    2. Click the Save button.
  4. Create a link to the calendar in the following format:<<Id>>, replacing "Id" with the taxonomy term's Id noted earlier.

For an overview of Taxonomy and how it can be used, review the following article Overview of Taxonomy.

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