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Setting the storage folder for Product Images


By default, images uploaded through Soapbox Shop will be saved in the main images folder of your site, as accessible in the Media Manager. The path for this folder is:


If you are using the Soapbox CMS (Am I using the Soapbox CMS?) wish to create a subfolder for Soapbox Shop Product Images, do the following:

  1. Go to Site > Media Manager
  2. Click on the Images folder
  3. In the field next to the Create Folder button, enter in the name of the new folder you wish to create. Do not include spaces or punctuation in this folder name.
  4. Click Create Folder
  5. Confirm that the folder appears in the Files list
  6. Go to Soapbox Shop > Configuration
  7. Click the Product tab
  8. For Image Default Folder, update the path by adding the name of the folder you just created
  9. Click Save

NOTE: If you have any existing Product Images, you will need to update them on the Products tab to reflect the new path.

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