With the Donations app, you are able to embed a donation page into a website or websites of your choosing using code available to you within the Soapbox administrator.
To access the embed code for a give Donation page:
- Open the Donation page you wish to embed
- Click the Integration tab
- Scroll down to the Donation Page Embed Code section
- Copy the code provided
- Click Cancel to exist the Donation page
Add the embed code into the site or sites of your choosing.
Understanding what portions of the Donate page will be displayed on the parent page
The Donation page will render only the main page content and not include the header or footer of the Soapbox site.
Altering the height of iframe for the embedded Donation page
By default, the iframe containing the embedded Donation page will fill 100% of the container in which it is placed on the parent page. If you wish to explicitly set the height of the iframe to a specific pixel height, you can do so by adding a DIV around the embed code provided like this:
<div id="embed-container" style="height:1000px">
<div id="sbx-widget-donate-form"></div>
<script src="https://myorg.secure.stagenonprofitsoapbox.com/donate/widget/1?form" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Current limitations
It is not possible at this time to include merge fields on the confirmation page of an embedded Donation form. Merge fields can be included in the confirmation email, however.