If you have a Directories page which includes a Picklist field from Salesforce, you can choose to customize the values displayed to the end user, replacing the values as defined by Salesforce with those defined in Soapbox.
What is more, for Picklist fields included on the Search Form tab of a form, you can also exclude values which you do not wish to display to visitors.
As an example, let's say your organization has a Picklist field in Salesforce called Member Status which is included on a Member Directory form in Soapbox. In Salesforce, that Picklist field has the values "Silver", "Gold", "Platinum", "Prospect", and "Cancelled". You want to allow visitors to search by Member Status in the Search Form but only wish to include options representing active statuses. You can exclude the values "Prospect" and "Cancelled" from the Member Status picklist so only "Silver", "Gold" and "Platinum" are shown.
If you wish to adjust the Member Status values to read "Silver Member", "Gold Member", and "Platinum Member" - rather than just "Silver", "Gold" and "Platinum" - without altering those values in Salesforce, you can do so in Soapbox. This can be done for both the Search Form field so the values in the drop down are updated as well as for the display of the Member Status on the List Display or Record Display views.
To customize the values of a Picklist field:
- Open the Directories page you wish to customize
- Click on the tab containing the Picklist field - Search Form, List Display, or Record Display. If the Picklist field is contained on multiple tabs, you will need to repeat the steps for each instance where the Picklist is included.
- Click on the Salesforce Element for the Picklist you wish to customize
- In the popup, scroll down to Picklist Values. The text on the left of the list represents the values defined in Salesforce. The fields to the right contain the same values by default. To alter the value as shown in Soapbox, update the value in the field to the right.
- Click Save
To exclude values from a Search Form's Picklist field:
- Open the Directories page you wish to customize
- Click on Search Form tab
- Click on the Salesforce Element for the Picklist for which you wish to exclude values
- In the popup, scroll down to Picklist Values
- To exclude a value from the drop down shown to visitors, tick the Exclude checkbox to the right of that value
- Click Save
NOTE: If recent edits or additions to picklist values made in Salesforce aren't reflected in the popup, click the Clear Cache icon in the header of your Soapbox administrator. This will refresh data and update values from Salesforce.