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Display list of documents associated with a given Salesforce record


For Salesforce records on the List Display or Record Display views in Directories, you have the option of including a hyperlinked list of documents that are associated with a given record either via the Salesforce Files object or Notes & Attachments object.

Displaying records from Salesforce Files

To display Files from a record's Salesforce Files list:

  1. Go to the Directories page to which you wish to add the files list
  2. Click on the List Display or Record Display tab, depending on where you wish the list to appear
  3. Click Add Files List Element button
  4. For Name, enter a value with which you wish to identify this list in the administrator view
  5. For Published, choose whether this list should be published on the front end of the site
  6. For Label, enter the text you wish to appear above the list of files
  7. For Default Value, enter the text you wish to appear if no files are associated with a given record
  8. For Display Label, choose whether or not you wish the Label to be shown
  9. For Display Attachment Links, select if you wish the links to be separated by commas or by line breaks
  10. For CSS Keywords, if PICnet has provided you with customized styling for this element, you may enter the unique identifier for it here
  11. For View Position, select the are of the page on which you wish the list of files to appear
  12. For Access Level, if you have a password-protected area of your site, you can elect to limit visibility of the files links to only logged in users with Registered or Special access. Otherwise, leave the default setting as Public.
  13. Click Save

Displaying records from Notes & Attachments

To display Attachments from a record's Notes & Attachments list:

  1. Go to the Directories page to which you wish to add the attachments list
  2. Click on the List Display or Record Display tab, depending on where you wish the list to appear
  3. Click Add Attachments List Element button
  4. For Name, enter a value with which you wish to identify this list in the administrator view
  5. For Published, choose whether this list should be published on the front end of the site
  6. For Label, enter the text you wish to appear above the list of attachments
  7. For Default Value, enter the text you wish to appear if no attachments are associated with a given record
  8. For Display Label, choose whether or not you wish the Label to be shown
  9. For Display Attachment Links, select if you wish the links to be separated by commas or by line breaks
  10. For CSS Keywords, if PICnet has provided you with customized styling for this element, you may enter the unique identifier for it here
  11. For View Position, select the are of the page on which you wish the list of attachments to appear
  12. For Access Level, if you have a password-protected area of your site, you can elect to limit visibility of the attachment links to only logged in users with Registered or Special access. Otherwise, leave the default setting as Public.
  13. Click Save
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