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Exporting event reservations (orders) or attendees


You can export a CSV file of reservations or attendees for a specific event or for all events.

To export for a specific event:

  1. Open the Soapbox Event for which you wish to download the reservations or attendees
  2. Click the Reservations tab
  3. In the upper left corner of the Reservations tab, mouse over Export
  4. From the drop down, click either a) Export only Reservations or b) Export Attendees, depending on your preference
  5. Click the confirmation box to save the file to your local computer

To export data for all events:

  1. Go to the Reservations view (Order tab) in the Events app
  2. In the upper right corner, mouse over Export
  3. From the drop down, click either a) Export only Reservations or b) Export Attendees, depending on your preference
  4. Click the confirmation box to save the file to your local computer

Filter Reservation data for export

On the Reservation view, you may also choose to filter the data by searching for a given reservation or set of reservations. Any search filter that is applied to the Reservations view will also be applied to the data included in the CSV export.

Fields included in exports

The following fields are included in the Events app export files.

Export Attendees

  1. Ticket Id
  2. Event
  3. Reservation ID
  4. Created
  5. Reservation First Name
  6. Reservation Last Name
  7. Ticket Name
  8. Ticket Price
  9. Ticket List Price
  10. Ticket Discount Code
  11. Currency Code
  12. Email
  13. First Name
  14. Last Name
  15. Organization
  16. Title Phone
  17. Home Phone
  18. Work Phone
  19. Mobile
  20. Mailing Street
  21. Mailing City
  22. Mailing Postal Code Mailing Country
  23. Soapbox Registration
  24. Order ID
  25. Modified Date
  26. Modified By
  27. Modified By Username
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