Soapbox Engage contains a Diagnostics tool that displays the status of elements for Microsoft integration, Salesforce integration, and the payment processor on your site.
To access this tool and review the status of these elements:
- If you are using Soapbox Lightning, click the gear icon in the upper right of your administrator and then click View Diagnostics.
If you are using Soapbox Classic, click the Diagnostics icon in the header of your site administrator
NOTE: Placement of the Diagnostics icon in relation to the other header tools may vary from site to site.
- View the results of the four types of Diagnostic checks on the Diagnostic page
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Authentication Plugin: required for the site to authenticate to Microsoft with the credentials entered in the Microsoft Settings module on the Control Panel
- Microsoft Web API Plugin: required to post Donation transaction records to Microsoft Fundraising and Engagement
- Microsoft Webhook Plugin: required to post Donation transaction notifications to Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft Credentials: displays whether credentials provided in Microsoft Settings module on the Control Panel authenticate successfully to Microsoft
- Payment Processor shows the gateway that is enabled for the site. If your payment processor is set to Soapbox Engage Payments Sandbox, will be shown as the active payment processor.
- Salesforce
- Salesforce Library Plugin: required for the site to push to Salesforce and query data from Salesforce for all apps
- Salesforce User Plugin: required for Soapbox Engage portal service to connect a web user with a Contact in Salesforce
- Salesforce Credentials: displays whether credentials provided in Settings module on the Control Panel authenticate successfully to Salesforce
- Salesforce Library Plugin: required for the site to push to Salesforce and query data from Salesforce for all apps
- Soapbox Engage site status as TRIAL or LICENSED
- Microsoft
If you encounter red alert messages on the Diagnostics view for items which you have installed on your site, please submit a ticket with the details of Diagnostics view pasted into the text of the ticket and any pertinent information regarding site behavior in the administrator or on the front end.