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Setting transaction details sent to payment processor and Salesforce


As an administrator, you are able to set details for the transaction which are not displayed to visitors but sent to both the payment processor and Salesforce, if your site has integration with Salesforce enabled.

To enable your desired options:

  • In the administrator, open the store for which you wish to set details
  • Click the Payment tab
  • For Tax Exempt, choose Use Global Config (if you've set a default in Donations > Configuration), Yes, or No, as appropriate for this payment form
  • For Transaction Description, enter a short description which will be sent to the payment processor (except for Braintree which doesn't capture Transaction Description) and saved to Salesforce.
    NOTE: Setting this, along with a Campaign with which to associate the order in Salesforce, can be used for internal record keeping or to trigger workflows in Salesforce.
  • Click Save
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