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Customize Page Intro and Page Outro for a Store in Soapbox Shop


To provide valuable context for a store in Soapbox Shop, you can include text, images, hyperlinks, embedded video and Soapbox Shortcodes using the WYSIWYG editor both before and after the order form just as you would for a content item.

To do so:

  • In the administrator, open the store for which you wish to customize the text
  • On the Basics tab for Page Intro, enter text, images, hyperlinks, embedded video and Soapbox Shortcodes using the WYSIWYG editor just as you would for a content item
  • On the Basics tab for Page Outro, enter text, images, hyperlinks, embedded video and Soapbox Shortcodes using the WYSIWYG editor just as you would for a content item
  • Click Save
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