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A Member Has Logged Into Soapbox, But Her Profile Is Empty


Problem: You are using User Integration with a Directories page designed to show information from the logged in user's Contact or Account record. Unfortunately, one of your members logs into the front-end of Soapbox to find that this page is blank with none of her data being displayed.

Solution:  It's possible that her record has been deleted or merged is Salesforce.  Soapbox is using a record Id to find her info in Salesforce.  However, if you've deleted or merged her record Id in Salesforce, it won't be able to find her record to pull in her date.

Prevention: Be very careful when merging or deleting records in Salesforce - especially records that might be used by Soapbox.

Fix: If merged - Log into your Soapbox admin and go to the User Manager. Find the member's record.  Near the bottom you should see a Record ID field.  Update that to the new Record Id (The Id of the record into which their old record was merged.)

If Deleted - Create a new record for the member in Salesforce. Log into your Soapbox admin and to SIte -> User Manager then find the member's record.  Near the bottom you should see a Record Id field.  Update that to the new Record ID, from the newly created record.

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