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Creating a new email Campaign


Given the fact that Soapbox Mailer for Salesforce is native to, creating an email Campaign uses the same process as creating any other Campaign. You can do so from any Salesforce App that has access to Campaigns, including the Soapbox Mailer App.

To create a new email Campaign:

  • Login to Salesforce
  • Go to Campaigns
  • Click New
  • On the Select Record Types view, choose "Soapbox Mailer" for Campaign Record Type
  • Choose "Soapbox Mailer" for Campaign Member Record Type
  • Click Continue
  • On the subsequent view, enter a Campaign Name. This Campaign Name will be for internal purposes only.
  • Select a Type fromt the picklist
  • Check Active, if you wish this Campaign to be available to 
  • For # Targets, # Sent, and # Recipients, do not enter any value. These will be autopopulated by Soapbox Mailer when you add Campaign Members and send your email
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