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Soapbox Mailer merge fields


Soapbox Mailer standard merge field options 

The following Soapbox Mailer standard merge fields can be inserted into the HTML Body and Text Body to easily merge Soapbox mailer standard information at the time an email is sent to your recipients.

  • Twitter share URL:  {!TWITTERSHAREURL}
  • Facebook Share URL:  {!FACEBOOKSHAREURL}
  • View in Web browser URL: {!VIEWINBROWSER}
  • Create an unsubscribe URL: {!UNSUBSCRIBE}

Salesforce data merge field options

Soapbox Mailer allows the merging of any of the following Salesforce object fields into the HTML Body and Text Body.

  • Campaign field = {!Campaign.FieldName}
  • Campaign Member field = {!CampaignMember.FieldName}
  • Lead field = {!Lead.FieldName}
  • Contact field = {!Contact.FieldName}
  • Account field = {!Account.FieldName}

In the examples, "FieldName" should be replaced with the field name for the field you want to merge (make sure not to forget the trailing "__c" for custom field names).

NOTE: After installing v1.8, the pre-v1.8 notation of "{!Contact.FieldName}" will no longer work for both Lead and Contact records. It will only work for Contact records. Therefore, if you have a Soapbox Mailer Campaign that includes both Leads and Contacts, either from the past or the future, you will need to put the corresponding Lead and Contact merge field right next to each other. For instance, to ensure both Leads' and Contacts' first names are merged in a Campaign that has both Leads and Contacts, you'll need to format it as such: "Hi {!Lead.FirstName}{!Contact.FirstName}". If there is no value for a merge field, Soapbox Mailer will just leave it blank.


Default Values

To create a default value to display when either no value is available for the merge field, or when the field is viewed by someone other than the intended target (such as when an email is shared via Facebook or Twitter), edit the merge field as follows: {!Contact.FirstName|Friend}, where "Friend" is the default value you want to appear for the FirstName field.

Legacy (before v1.8)

For organizations using Soapbox Mailer v1.7 and earlier, the following are the only merge fields you can use.

  • First Name = {!Contact.FirstName}
  • Last Name = {!Contact.LastName}
  • Mailing Street = {!Contact.MailingStreet}
  • Mailing City = {!Contact.MailingCity}
  • Mailing State = {!Contact.MailingState}
  • Mailing Postal Code = {!Contact.MailingPostalCode}
  • Mailing Country = {!Contact.MailingCountry}
  • Email Address = {!Contact.Email}
  • Phone Number = {!Contact.Phone}
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