When working with Soapbox Mailer campaigns in Salesforce, you might find the need to change both the Campaign's record type as well as its associated Campaign Member record type (also known as the "Campaign Member Type"). Here's the easy steps to making these changes.
1) In Salesforce, go to Setup > App Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Page Layouts > Soapbox Mailer Campaign Layout > Edit
2) On page layout editing screen for Soapbox Mailer Campaign Layout, at the top of the screen, find the Campaign Record Type field and drag it anywhere you wish on the layout (if you can't find it in the list of fields, that means it's already on your layout somewhere)
3) On page layout editing screen for Soapbox Mailer Campaign Layout, at the top of the screen, find the Campaign Member Type field and drag it anywhere you wish on the layout (if you can't find it in the list of fields, that means it's already on your layout somewhere)
4) Click the Save button
5) Go to your Soapbox Mailer campaign record
6) On the Soapbox Mailer campaign record, next to the Campaign Member Type field label, click the words next to the field label to be presented with options for changing every Campaign Member Type related to this campaign to another Campaign Member Type (whenever you're using Soapbox Mailer you want this to read "Soapbox Mailer")
7) Click the Save button
8) On the Soapbox Mailer campaign record, next to the Campaign Record Type field label, click the words next to the field label to be presented with options for changing this Campaign Record Type to another Campaign Record Type (whenever you're using Soapbox Mailer you want this to read "Soapbox Mailer")
9) Click the Save button
Happy emailing!