It's easy to add links within your emails to allow your recipients to view your email within their Web browser. Here's how its done.
If you're using Soapbox Mailer v1.5 or later...
1) When creating your Email Template, simply add the View In Browser URL merge field ( {!VIEWINBROWSER} ) into any link you create. For instance, if you have a link like this...
<a href="#">View this email in your Web browser</a>'d update it to be the following to automatically properly populate the correct View In Web Browser URL...
<a href="{!VIEWINBROWSER}">View this email in your Web browser</a>
2) When adding content within the HTML Body of your email (in the WYSIWYG editor), simply add the View In Web Browser URL merge field ( {!VIEWINBROWSER} ) into any link you create. Same process as above. Post the link wherever you'd like!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting with Soapbox Mailer v1.5, the header link for this functionality is no longer auto-created for you. You must follow the steps above to have a "view online" link appear within your email.
If you're using Soapbox Mailer v1.4 or earlier...
...there's nothing to do! An auto-created view online link will appear in the footer of all your emails.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For Soapbox Mailer v1.4 or earlier, the View In Browser URL merge field above is not available. You must upgrade to Soapbox Mailer v1.5 or later to have access to this merge field.
Happy emailing!