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Understanding how subsequent payments for recurring donations update Salesforce


If you have setup your payment processor to notify Soapbox when a subsequent payment is made for a recurring donation, Soapbox will create a Lead record for that donation in Salesforce. This Lead will be of Record Type "Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment." It will not be associated with a Campaign and will only contain data for the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Company, Form of Payment, Donation Payment Amount, Transaction Id, Subscription Id, Transaction Date, and Transaction Status.

Immediately when this record is created, Soapbox attempts to convert the Lead by matching it with the earliest created existing Opportunity that is not of Record Type "Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment" that has the same Subscription Id. If no matching record is found, the record is left as a Lead and the Rec Donation Payment Match Review Needed field is checked and will need to be manually converted. To learn the reasons why a Lead may require match review, check out Why does a Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead record require match review?

"Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment" Lead conversion and the Nonprofit Success Pack

If a matching "Soapbox Recurring Donation" Opportunity record is found and you have the Nonprofit Success Pack, Soapbox will search for an open Opportunity (e.g., any Opportunity whose Stage isn't Won) associated with the same Recurring Donation record as the "Soapbox Recurring Donation" Opportunity record. If one is found and it has a Close Date that matches the Transaction Date of the subsequent payment Lead record, the open Opportunity will be updated as follows:

  • Opportunity Record Type is changed to "Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment"
  • Status is set to "Closed Won"
  • Subscription Id is populated
  • Transaction Id is populated from the Lead
  • Transaction Status is populated from the Lead
  • Transaction Date is populated from the Lead
  • Amount is populated from the Lead
  • Primary Campaign Source will be retained as it was populated on initial creation of the record by the Nonprofit Success Pack

If no open Opportunity records are found or open Opportunity records exist for the Recurring Donation but none have a Close Date matching the Transaction Date, a new "Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment" Opportunity record will be created as follows:

  • Opportunity Record Type set to "Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment"
  • Recurring Donation is set to match that of the original "Soapbox Recurring Donation" Opportunity record with the matching Subscription Id
  • Account Name is set to match the original "Soapbox Recurring Donation" Opportunity record with the matching Subscription Id
  • Contact Roles are created to match the original "Soapbox Recurring Donation" Opportunity record with the matching Subscription Id
  • Status is set to "Closed Won"
  • Subscription Id is populated
  • Transaction Id is populated from the Lead
  • Transaction Status is populated from the Lead
  • Transaction Date is populated from the Lead
  • Amount is populated from the Lead

If the actual monthly transaction date differs from the Close Date of the open Opportunities, you can update the Next Donation Date field on the Recurring Donation record to match the date of the monthly transaction. This will update all of the open Opportunities so future transactions will match automatically. When doing so, you'll want to use the Transaction Date of Closed Won (e.g., Posted) donations as the basis for which day of the month to use.

"Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment" Lead conversion and the standard Enterprise Edition

If a matching "Soapbox Recurring Donation" Opportunity record is found and you have the standard Enterprise Edition of Salesforce, a new "Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment" Opportunity record will be created as follows:

  • Opportunity Record Type set to "Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment"
  • Account Name is set to match the original "Soapbox Recurring Donation" Opportunity record with the matching Subscription Id
  • Contact Roles are created to match the original "Soapbox Recurring Donation" Opportunity record with the matching Subscription Id
  • Status is set to "Closed Won"
  • Subscription Id is populated
  • Transaction Id is populated from the Lead
  • Transaction Status is populated from the Lead
  • Transaction Date is populated from the Lead
  • Amount is populated from the Lead



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