This notice is to inform you of a scheduled maintenance window for the Soapbox platform to be conducted on Saturday, January 6, 2018 starting at 12:01am ET. This maintenance addresses a recently announced global issue facing all computers and servers running on Intel processors. The security of our systems and your information is our top priority, so we have decided to move forward with this upgrade as soon as the operating systems running our servers had patches available for them.
The upgrade window is scheduled to last two hours, beginning at 12:01am ET and concluding at approximately 2am ET. This two-hour window will likely include a period of approximately one hour of downtime for all services running on the Soapbox network.
We take both the security and uptime of your site very seriously. To that end, we have scheduled this maintenance window for the soonest possible time that would allow for the most advanced notice we could provide, fall outside of regular business hours in the western hemisphere, and the soonest possible time to upgrade the operating systems on the servers.
Thank you very much for your patience as we conduct this maintenance on Saturday, January 6, 2018. We will update this notice as we progress through the maintenance window.
Tim Forbes
VP of Products & Marketing
January 6, 2018 - 12:01am ET Update
The maintenance window for tonight’s Soapbox platform maintenance has begun. We will continue to update this post during the two-hour maintenance window as updates are available, and will follow-up when the maintenance is completed.
January 6, 2018 - 12:59am ET Update
The maintenance window for tonight’s Soapbox platform maintenance has ended successfully, and all systems should be functioning normally. We will continue to observe the platform to ensure its stability and integrity, and if you have any issues, please open a support ticket at
Have a great weekend!