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How do I customize the payment amounts and frequency options on the Donations modal popup?


The first page of the Donations modal popup asks the visitor to select their payment amount and frequency.


To customize the payment amount and frequency options on the Donations modal popup:

  1. Open the Donations form you are using for the Donations modal popup
  2. Click the Payment tab
  3. For the Payment Frequency section, enter a value for Default Amount, if you wish
  4. Disregard all other parameters in the Payment Frequency section as the Donations modal popup form always displays donation amount options as buttons and always shows One-Time and Recurring options simultaneously
  5. In the One-Time Payments section:
    1. For One-Time Payment, choose to show or hide one-time payment options
    2. For Predefined Amounts (One-Time), enter the one-time predefined values you wish to display. We recommend that you do not use labels for predefined values. You may use a code if you wish.
    3. Disregard Amount Orientation
    4. For Custom Amount Field, choose to Show or Hide the one-time custom amount option
    5. For Custom Amount Level Code, enter a value, if you wish
    6. For Enable Recurring Upsell, choose Yes or No to prompt one-time donors to give monthly
  6. In the Recurring Payments section:
    1. If your site uses Braintree as its payment processor, enter a value for Braintree Plan Id. If you site uses Stripe, enter a value for Stripe Price Id, if you wish to use a different Price Id than the default for the site.
    2. For Recurring Payment Frequency, select Monthly or Annual, if your payment processor in Soapbox supports annual recurring payments
    3. For Predefined Amounts Recurring), enter the recurring predefined values you wish to display. We recommend that you do not use labels for predefined values. You may use a code if you wish.
    4. Disregard Amount Orientation
    5. For Custom Amount Field, choose to Show or Hide the recurring custom amount option
    6. For Custom Amount Level Code, enter a value, if you wish
  7. Click Save
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