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Enabling or disabling the Shopping Cart to be used for individual Class or Event registrations in the Classes app


With the Classes app, you have the option of enabling a Shopping Cart so registrants can add several classes to their cart and check out once rather than doing so for each class. This can be enabled by default for all Classes and Events in the Events > Configuration or enabled or disabled on an event by event basis.

To enable or disable the Shopping Cart for an individual Class or Event:

  • Open the event you wish to edit
  • Click the Reservation Info tab
  • For Enable Shopping Cart, select Use Global Config, Yes, or No. Selecting Yes will set the registration process for this event to use the Shopping Cart. Selecting No will set the registration process for this event to be completed on the event registration page without using the Shopping Cart. Selecting Use Global Config will have this event use whatever is set in the Events > Configuration.
  • Click Save

What is a use case for using this feature?

The most common use case for overriding the default Shopping Cart setting in the Events > Configuration is for organizations who primarily use the Classes app for educational events throughout the year for which they wish to have users register for multiple classes at once but may have an end-of-year fundraising gala that they wish to simplify the registration process by not using the Shopping Cart.

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