When a Shop shopping cart contains shippable products, you can enable a pick up option for the visitor so they will not be charged shipping costs and you can provide instructions for how to pick up the items. The pick up option can be available to all visitors who have shippable items in their cart or only to logged in users.
To enable the pick up option:
- Open the Configuration for the Shop app
- Click the Shopping Cart tab
- In the Shipping Information section, for Allow Pick Up, select Yes or No
- For Pick Up Access Level, if you have selected Yes for Allow Pick Up, choose Public, Registered or Special.
- For Pick Up Details, enter text you wish to appear in the shopping cart when a visitor chooses to pick up their shippable items. This text will also be included in the Shop shopping cart confirmation email if you use the standard template.
- If you wish to customize the label of the Pick Up checkbox that appears to the visitor, click the Customize Headings & Labels button and enter the text you wish to use in the Pick Up Label parameter
- Click Save