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What happens when event registration Opportunity records are deleted in Salesforce?


The Events app uses Salesforce Opportunity records (with its own record type) to represent an order placed for an event.  For example, if a user orders 3x tickets for an event that are free ($0), the following records are created related to the order and the tickets in Salesforce.

  1. 1x Opportunity record (representing the order)
  2. 3x Ticket records (representing the tickets in the order)

The Ticket records are child records to the the Opportunity record.  Deleting an Opportunity record for an event registration would be akin to deleting the history of an order related to multiple tickets for an event.  For this reason, we recommend not deleting Opportunity records in Salesforce related to an event registration, even if the amount is $0.

To help in data management, Soapbox Engage uses an Opportunity record type named "Soapbox Registration" to make it very easy to separate all event registration Opportunity records from others.

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