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How to determine if a Donation Import record is a recurring donation


When a recurring donation is made by a donor using the Soapbox Engage Donations app, if the page is connected to a Microsoft Fundraising and Engagement account, a new Donation Import record will be created in Microsoft Fundraising and Engagement.  There are a few different ways to determine if the Donation Import record represents a recurring donation.

  1. By Frequency field
    1. This field will include a value such as "Monthly" if the donation is part of a recurring monthly donation.
    2. The Frequency Interval will have a "1" if recurring. This will be left blank if it is a one-time donation
  2. By Subscription ID
    1. If there is a Subscription ID but no Transaction ID = Initial Recurring Donation
    2. If there is both a Subscription ID & a Transaction ID = Subsequent Recurring Donation
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