Release date: 2/13/2018
Soapbox 2.10.226 included the following features and fixes:
Petitions app
- Resolves an issue with a 404 Error page being displayed when viewing the petition using a non-SEF URL.
- Adds ability for the Administrator to select a default Country to display as the default on a Petition form. Populates the Country field with United States if no default Country chosen.
- Adds ability for the Administrator to specify the Title and Description of the Facebook post created when a petition is shared on Facebook and auto-populates other values through Facebook Open Graph Tags.
- On a petition form, changes the State field to a picklist of Provinces if default Country is set to Canada.
- On a petition form, changes the State field to a text field if Default country is set to something other than United States or Canada.
- On a petition form, prevents the visitor from signing the petition if the visitor's email address was already used on the form.
- Populates the Country field in Salesforce whenever a visitor signs a petition with a hidden country field defaulting to either United States or Canada.
- Saves the Default Country value from the original petition into a copied petition.