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What is the difference between Completed and Incomplete transactions in Soapbox?


Completed transactions were successfully processed with the payment gateway. These transactions will have a Transaction Id, Subscription Id, or both which has been provided by your payment gateway to Soapbox and recorded in the Soapbox transaction table.

Incomplete transactions were initiated with Soapbox by a visitor submitting a Donation form and being sent off-site for final processing but Soapbox has not received notification of successful processing. This is typically due to abandonment of the process by the visitor once leaving Soapbox. These transactions have no Transaction Id or Subscription Id because there was no transaction that occurred and no money that transferred from the would-be donor to your organization.

When are visitors sent off-site to complete payment?

Visitors are sent off-site to complete payment after the submission of a Donation form in two circumstances:

  1. Your site uses TouchNet as its payment gateway

    If your site uses TouchNet as its payment gateway, visitors are sent to off-site to TouchNet to process payment. A transaction record is created in Soapbox representing their donation when the user is sent to TouchNet. After successful submission of payment by the visitor with TouchNet, TouchNet provides confirmation to Soapbox along with details of the payment. If no confirmation has been received from TouchNet by Soapbox, the transaction is incomplete.

  2. You have enabled PayPal as a payment option for a Donation form

    Regardless of what payment gateway your site uses, you may give visitors the option of processing their donation directly with PayPal, allowing them to use their PayPal account. If you have enabled this option for a Donation form, visitors choosing this payment method will be sent to PayPal to process payment. A transaction record is created in Soapbox representing their donation when the user is sent to PayPal. After successful submission of payment by the visitor with PayPal, PayPal provides confirmation to Soapbox along with details of the payment. If no confirmation has been received from PayPal by Soapbox, the transaction is incomplete.
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